Employee of the Year!


1 min read

Employee of the Year!

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

One evening, alone in her cubicle, Shruti picked up a pen and blank paper and started writing.

She got interrupted by a call for the team meeting & the writing came to a halt.

She woke up with an alert the following day to complete a project to defend her position in that fastest growing organization!

Weeks went by and she earned her promotion for her contribution in delivering the client's project.

Along with it came the Employee of the Year title. The high salary and career advancements were a source of envy for her peers.

The half written story by her later on gathered dusts under the stack of files.

One evening, while wandering through a bookstore, she came across a section for bestselling fiction authors.

It rekindled her own dreams, reminding her of the stories she had yet to tell.

The Employee of the Year title still hung on her wall, but now it overshadowed the paper holding her story.

The creative child inside destined for a premature death in the race of being the best !